Had to smile when I read that on a greeting card the other day. Isn't it so true? We have no problem loving those that love us. In fact, there is something beautiful about the person who demonstrates their love for us. It's a bit attractive. However, this argument quickly breaks down as it pertains to God and His relationship with us. The Bible records that while we were still "sinning" God died for us (Romans 5 & 6). God was not attracted to us because we went out of our way to love Him. On the contrary, we were in an all out war with God - and the Bible defines our relationship with Him as an enemy. Think of that. How many enemies are you in love with today? Zilch, comes to my mind.
Okay...so here's what I believe God is challenging me to do: start praying and loving those that tend to be unloveable to me. I would go as far as to say that to the extent that we love our enemy is to the extent that we can fully know and love our Savior. But I say to you, "Love your enemies and pray for those that perscute you..." (Matthew 5:44)
Agree? Disagree?