I must say, I was in my prime today! I had the privilege to hang out for a couple hours with "the man" who has truly inspired me more than any other man in my life (next to my own dad), Pastor Steve Anderson. Pastor Steve was the Pastor who married me and my lovely bride of 21 years. Pastor Steve was the man who led my own parents into a deeper walk with Christ for over 20 years. Pastor Steve was the man who was there when my nephew died at six months of age. He rallied the entire church around my family with prayer. Pastor Steve was the man who made multiple trips up to the cities to encourage my walk with Christ years ago while I was attending Seminary (Bethel). And today, after a number of years, I got the rare privilege to have a meal with "the man." You talk about passion and wisdom. I was in my prime.
Do you have anyone like this in your life? I sure hope you do. A person who does nothing but points the needle of their compass toward their Savior.
It's my hope to have Pastor Steve share the stage with me at Willowbrook in the upcoming months ahead. I can't wait to show him off. He's Da man.