I love fishing! Secrets out. And a trip to Canada is exactly what I needed. If there is anything that can get my juices flowing - this is it. God created fish for that reason. I had an amazing few days with a great group of guys from Willowbrook in a place called, Canada (yes - they let me over the border). And get a load of this walleye I caught! And this wasn't the biggest one. My friend, Chad, caught a 31" walley that weighed close to 12 pounds! In fact, we didn't catch a walleye smaller than 4 pounds during the three days we fished. And we caught a lot of walleys. It's a God thing. The weather was amazing. The sunsets were amazing. The fellowship was remarkable. I could get use to this.
I love Willowbrook and I want to thank this amazing church for allowing me the opportunity to get away and to refuel. Jesus said that we are to be "fisher's of men and women." My prayer is that God will allow us to catch a huge "stringer" of new Christ followers in the weeks and months ahead!