Terri (my wife) and I have been blessed with some really strong and solid friendships over the years. And as we have reflected the past few weeks about what makes these relationships so valuable to us we both agree that our friends are all about keeping it real. We've had our friends just show up to our home and pour out their hearts in sincere ways, and in return, we've done the same. In those awkward moments of exposure they are non-judgemental and they speak words of truth into our hearts, or not speak at all. It's hard to describe. There is just "that" connection that happens that is God ordained. We've also learned that you can't let anyone or everyone into your life. There is that sanctuary in which two or three are gathered togther where the presence of the Lord is truly felt. I smile to think that Jesus could have said, "Where two or three hundred are gathered together, there I am..." And although His presence is everywhere, the best of friends are where those two or three walk it together.
So how about you? Do you have those two or three friends in your life that you can keep it real? My prayer for you is that God would enrich your life by such friends and that you never turn back to artificial flavoring.