I am very anxious to get to our next Series started at Willowbrook because it has to do with the church helping the hurting (first response). I've entitled this message series, "First Aid."
I'm not sure about you, but most of my friends are going through some tough times right now. And the question that comes out of this is: "How can the church help assist the hurting?"
You can't help but open a newspaper today and read about some type of "stimulus" package for our Country. Our government has brought together some of the best and brightest to attempt to figure out what is happening in our economy - and how it can be fixed. We are learning that the problem is much deeper than a flesh wound, but it goes direcly to the heart.
Bandaids may work to aleviate the initial bleeding of a wound, but bandaids are no substitute for true healing. Unfortunately, I believe that most churches today tend to concentrate on buying or marketing more colorful bandaids while failing or neglecting to address the real issues in the body.
The attempt of our new series is to look at how we (the body of Christ) can truly bring healing to those hurting financially, emotionally, physically, and spiritually. Please pray with me that God will impact our community by "stimulating" His Church to meet the needs of those who are hurting with reckless abandon.
I'm pumped to watch the outcome of what God is going to do!
I'm not sure about you, but most of my friends are going through some tough times right now. And the question that comes out of this is: "How can the church help assist the hurting?"
You can't help but open a newspaper today and read about some type of "stimulus" package for our Country. Our government has brought together some of the best and brightest to attempt to figure out what is happening in our economy - and how it can be fixed. We are learning that the problem is much deeper than a flesh wound, but it goes direcly to the heart.
Bandaids may work to aleviate the initial bleeding of a wound, but bandaids are no substitute for true healing. Unfortunately, I believe that most churches today tend to concentrate on buying or marketing more colorful bandaids while failing or neglecting to address the real issues in the body.
The attempt of our new series is to look at how we (the body of Christ) can truly bring healing to those hurting financially, emotionally, physically, and spiritually. Please pray with me that God will impact our community by "stimulating" His Church to meet the needs of those who are hurting with reckless abandon.
I'm pumped to watch the outcome of what God is going to do!