I think these things only happen to me. Scenerio: I order a part for my laptop computer last week. To make a long story short, this part will allow my laptop to process video and to help assist Willowbrook with our Sunday morning services. The guy on "EBAY" assures me that it will work with my Dell Inspiron computer "operating" system. I shell out the dough! Guess what? The part comes six days later and I place the new mechanism into my computer only to have my computer alert me that "it does not recongize the software and that it will not work with my operating system." Quick email to the owner and, in a Christian way, I share how unhappy I am (boo-hoo...cry baby Brad). He basically says, "tough luck." Now I am in the process of returning it and going through all of that jazz.
So, instead of calling myself a "dork" for trusting this guy on Ebay, I begin to spiritualize it. I begin to think, "How does this situation line up to God's principles in our lives?" What can I learn from this? Bingo! It is all so clear now. God created each of us (He built us - He developed our operating system). And when it comes to our moral life and moral values, God's operating system in our life should "reject" those values that do not represent God's components. Tadda!! Unfortunately, sometimes we get clever and think that we can use parts that are not compatible with God's software. Result: Total frustration and ugly pride on our part.
So, do you have a thought on this? Does your life resemble mine (please, no!)? Where do you find the greatest amount of frustration in your life when it comes to worldly pressures? Weigh in on it.